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Showing posts from January, 2019

Previa Update 1/22/19

Alright. So the Previa was straightened out and I knew that the suspension would need to be addressed. The shop I took it initially said it was fine (I knew it would improve with pulling) but I knew it would still need to be looked at since it was tweaked. Additionally I figure while it was there, have the door fixed. The front part of the door that meets the fender got scrapped up as you can see in this picture. I was thinking of trying to get another door and what not.. but I figure that would take more time, and for it to be different colors (if I can find a door this color, it will likely be a different shade due to fade). Not only that, I'd have to change out the door lock and all kinds of stuff I don't have time to do. So I asked for them to fix it while there. ------------------------------------ An additional $1400. Almost there. I gave approval and I hope they can get the stuff right away.